Providing for the safety, well-being, and physical and emotional health of our residents and staff is our most important priority.
As of Friday, March 13, 2020, all facilities like ours, across the nation, were required to be on restricted access. Since that time, only essential staff who pass a daily medical screening—as required by the CDC—have been allowed in our facility.
We follow the most current guidelines provided by the CDC and the Texas HHSC including but not limited to restricting access to essential staff who must pass a daily medical screening; the use of personal protective equipment (PPE); social distancing, quarantining or isolating when appropriate and as required; the use of universal precautions; and cleaning and sanitizing throughout each shift.
Residents regularly practice social distancing. If a resident experiences symptoms of COVID-19, the resident is isolated from other residents and tested for the illness. If a resident tests positive for COVID-19 they either continue their isolation in our facility if possible or we transfer them to another facility that has the means to isolate them. It is the current practice in this state to isolate residents who are COVID-19 POSITIVE in a secured location in the facility—often called a “secure wing”—that has a separate entrance and staff.
Staff members who pass the daily medical screening but who begin to experience symptoms of COVID-19 while working are required to leave the facility immediately and are encouraged to get tested. A positive test or unexplained illness requires the staff member to quarantine according to current recommendations by the CDC.
We test residents and staff when recommended and approved by the Texas HHSC. The frequency, scope, and type of COVID-19 tests are managed by the Texas HHSC.
We believe in transparency and will communicate with all affected parties in a timely manner and through appropriate means. If or when we have the first positive case of COVID-19 among residents or staff, we will communicate verbally to all residents, resident-families, powers of attorney (POAs), and staff. Such communication is in person or by telephone. For subsequent cases of COVID-19 or significant changes regarding COVID-19 we communicate through this website via regular updates.
Please ensure that our facility has the current contact information for families of residents and/or POAs. To update your information, you can contact us by telephone or by using the contact form in the Contact Us section.
Individual privacy regarding diagnoses of COVID-19 is protected and is only shared according to laws and regulations.
We regularly submit federally-mandated reports to the CDC regarding COVID-19 among residents and staff in our facility.
Current guidelines from the CDC define recovery from COVID-19 as being 10 days past the date of the individual’s positive test and 24 hours after the last symptoms. An individual may be considered recovered but still have residual effects of the illness. The recovery period detailed above defines when the individual is considered no longer infectious. When a resident or staff member completes their recovery period, we will no longer count them among our current COVID-19 cases.
We would like to thank the local community, numerous individuals, resident-families, and local businesses for the kind and timely support of our residents and staff during the pandemic.